Future Future 06

by machinedesiring


In 1970, George Clinton and the Funkadelic declared, “free your mind and your ass will follow.” But we want to destroy the ass/mind dichotomy. “The kingdom of heaven is within.”

The party will be ecstatic, celebratory, or it will be nothing; full of strange movements, encounters; the wonder, curiosity, suspense, intrigue, the not-knowing, the embrace. Not a beginning, but a middle, an ongoing, a continuation, the meat, the body of the work. What is your span of attention, limit of exhaustion. Reminders. Be prepared.

“We’ve been given a neutral idea of friendship, understood as a pure affection with no consequences. But all affinity is affinity within a common truth. Every encounter is an encounter within a common affirmation, even the affirmation of destruction. No bonds are innocent…”

“living-communism: a set of positions emerging and inseparable from the form they take as life-in-common; a set of relationships, bonds, commitments; a “community of feelings, purposes; of responsibilities and interests”; a set of rhythms and actualizations, built, shared, and inhabited collectively.”

Saturday April 26th – 11:30PM
Cake Shop
152 Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002
